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How-to install

Copy build/cpu-audio.js file on your website.

Call it in the <head> of your html page :

<script src="cpu-audio.js" async></script>

Do not forget to add a lang="" attribute in the hosting <html> tag. Elsewhere, the component will try to guess user’s language via the browser preferences, which may cause funny rendering (in English because so was configurated the client system, as your website is in French). Actual version only have english and french locales, may be can you help us ?

Invoking element in pure HTML

Encapsulate your usual <audio control> with <cpu-audio>.

The bare minimal code for invoking :

    <audio controls src=""></audio>

A more elaborated example :

    title="Au carnaval avec Samba Résille (2003)"
    <audio controls id="audiodemo">
        <source src="" type="audio/mpeg" />

Important Notes :

audio[controls] {
    display : block;
    width : 100%;

You can play with our live configurator tool, to build a HTML and CSS canvas ready to be copy-pasted in your website code.

Invoking element in a javascript framework

Most frameworks as React can now co-op friendly with WebComponents. cpu-audio can be easily called as in this example :

export const CpuAudio = () => {
    useEffect(() => import("…/cpu-audio.js"), []);
    return (
            <audio controls src='…/sound.mp3'></audio>

In the upper example, <audio> tag is ID-entified as audiodemo. Usually, you link to its anchor with #audiodemo. Add a parameter t= with the expected timecode, with a & as separator. By example, for 5 minutes from the start, you should target #audiodemo&t=5m :

    Jump at <a href="#audiodemo&amp;t=5m">5 minutes</a> in the sound

Original purpose of the ancestor of this WebComponent was to link any media element of any webpage to a specific moment. It uses the W3C standard Media Fragments notation, extending the URL.

We accept different notations for the time segment of the hash :

A playable range can be indicated, with a coma separator between the start and the end position : page.html#tagID&t=5m,5m5s will play the sound starting at 5 minutes, and stops it at 5 minutes and 5 seconds

Note : if a timecode without any named anchor is given, as in href="#t=2h4m2s", the very first <audio controls> element of the document will be addressed. If you are absolutely sure you will only have one audio tag in your page and it will never vary, you can omit the ID : <a href="#t=5m">. But we strongly recommend to precise an id attribute to each <audio>, and use an explicit id to a time position.

Attributes references

Some attributes enhance the component :

Cloned player

You can invoke a global media controller by creating a <cpu-controller> without <audio> tag.

It may be useful if, as in the CPU website, you have a player in the main content and a cloned one in a fixed element, in the header/menu of your website, by example.

Note that a <cpu-controller> invoked without any valid <cpu-audio> player will just display a plain placeholder, until a valid <cpu-audio> is created in the page.


One poorly used native HTML feature is chapters track. A <track> tag is mostly used as native closed-caption feature in <video> tag, but you may also create a <track> for chaptering in an <audio> tag. Everything is natively managed by any major browser, except display it. So we are doing it with cpu-audio.js.

Here is the code you can put into the <audio controls> tag :

<track kind="chapters" src="chapters.vtt" default />

Note that default attribute is really needed. In case you’ve got more than one <track kind="chapters" default /> declared in a <audio> tag, only the very first one will be interpreted by the browser (blocking us to catch the one according to its srclang="" see #69 ).

You can create VTT files with our online editor.

Note : The chapters info will only appears with mode="default" aspect settings in <cpu-audio>. You can hide them with the hide="" attribute, set to panels or chapters.

Indicate a prefered downloadable audio resource

The player will check which audio source is used, to link it as downloadable. By example, if you set a source in .mp3 format and another one in .ogg format, the browsers will get the .ogg files as source, except Safari who can only play the .mp3 one. So the “download” link in the player will be .ogg except for Safari, getting the .mp3 instead.

In case you offer multiple <source> to your <audio> tag (by example, you can offer DASH or HLS “streamed” sources alternatives, but your index.mpd or index.m3u8 won’t be useful to download for your visitors), but there is still a downloadable one-file source, you can indicate to the component which link can be downloaded for listening in any app.

We have two methods : download attribute on <cpu-audio>, or add a data-downloadable attribute on the relevant <source>.

Please note that you SHOULD NOT put a data-streamed attribute in this case : It would be unuseful, as it blocks access to the download link.

Here is an example with the <cpu-audio download="<url>"> method :

<cpu-audio title="CPU Ex0155 Cyberpunk" canonical="" download=".../podcast/0155-CPU%2817-12-20%29.mp3">
    <audio controls>
            Here is our “streamed” HLS source, linking to a playlist of files. Not suitable for user downloading.
            We put it in first position, as the HLS source is really the better option for smartphones,
            instead of heavier complete files. -->
        <source src=".../hls/0155-CPU%2817-12-20%29/index.m3u8" type="application/x-mpegurl" />
        <!-- Here are our conventional, one-file sources.
            Ogg is in second, for most modern browsers as Chrome and Firefox. Overkill for most users due to my high-quality settings.
            MP3 is the last resort source, for older browsers as UC Browser, Safari and Nintendo DS. We chose it because this format is universal -->
        <source src=".../0155-CPU%2817-12-20%29.ogg" type="audio/ogg" />
        <source src=".../podcast/0155-CPU%2817-12-20%29.mp3" type="audio/mp3" />

Here is the <source data-downloadable> method. It is recommended for dynamic source changes, and will take priority on <cpu-audio download="<url>">. Only the first indicated <source> will be used :

<cpu-audio title="CPU Ex0155 Cyberpunk" canonical="">
    <audio controls>
        <!-- The HLS source and the too high quality ogg -->
        <source src=".../hls/0155-CPU%2817-12-20%29/index.m3u8" type="application/x-mpegurl" />
        <source src=".../0155-CPU%2817-12-20%29.ogg" type="audio/ogg" />
        <!--  And the mp3, that we declare downloadable  -->
        <source data-downloadable src=".../podcast/0155-CPU%2817-12-20%29.mp3" type="audio/mp3" />

Note that we have a code snippet extending this attribute for displaying multiple choices to the visitor

Special case for live streamed media

When you put a live streamed media as an audio source, some functions in the player will be disabled :

Some recommendations :

Here is a nice example, with a pure streamed source :

<cpu-audio title="Radio &lt;FMR&gt;, live from Toulouse France on 89.1 FM" mode="compact" poster="">
    <audio controls preload="none" data-streamed src="">

Personnalization via CSS variables

You can change some presentation features of the interface with CSS Variables. Check their effects with the live editor

Variable name Description Default value
--cpu-background Background, except playing or in error #555
--cpu-color Color, except playing #ddd
--cpu-color-transitions Colors (text and background) transitions duration 0s
--cpu-elapse-width Time indicator width 185px (160px under 640px width, 80px under 480px, 0 under 320px)
--cpu-error-background Background when there is a media error #a00
--cpu-error-color Color when there is a media error #ff7
--cpu-font-family Font families Lato, "Open Sans", "Segoe UI", Frutiger, "Frutiger Linotype", "Dejavu Sans", "Helvetica Neue", Arial, sans-serif
--cpu-font-size Font size 15px
--cpu-font-small-size Small font size calc(var(--cpu-font-size) * 0.8)
--cpu-line-height Line height for the font 1.2
--cpu-height Height and width of the square buttons 64px (48px under 640px width)
--cpu-inner-shadow Shadow between horizontal panels inset 0px 5px 10px -5px black
--cpu-playing-background Background while playing #444
--cpu-playing-color Color while playing #fff
--cpu-focus-background Background when an active element is hover/focused Current color definition
--cpu-focus-color Color when an active element is hover/focused Current background definition
--cpu-popup-background Background for the time pointer #aaa
--cpu-popup-color Text color for the time pointer #333
--cpu-cue Color for the chapter lines under the time-line #000
--cpu-timeline-limits Color of the bordered playing, if a ending point is defined #f00

If the user prefers a reduced motion interface, the player will remove any motion and transitions. This is an accssibility feature.

Some color/background values are not recommended, as currentColor and transparent (explained here in French), except if you also define --cpu-focus-background and --cpu-focus-color to address accessibility issues.

In case you need to create some specific breakpoints, the best way is to create a theme and make your own version. See and

Using classes on host page

The intention onto cpu-audio.js is to be configurable and usable without any javascript knwonledge. HTML attributes, CSS variables, and CSS selectors must be able to help integrators to hide some elements of their page without having to painly dig into javascript snippets.

You can use some CSS features in the host page, as some classes are added to your host page <body> to reflect what is happening with the player :

.cpu-audio-without-webcomponents and .cpu-audio-with-webcomponents

.cpu-audio-without-webcomponents is set when cpu-audio.js is launched but the interface cannot be displayed, due to incomplete WebComponent suppport by the browser. Only the hash links are interpreted.

.cpu-audio-with-webcomponents means that cpu-audio.js was able to build its graphic interface.

Here is an example :

    /* fallback style for browsers without webcomponents */
    audio[controls] {
        display : block;
        width : 100%;
    .cpu-audio-without-webcomponents #no-player-interface {
        display : block;
    /* fully operative */
    .cpu-audio-with-webcomponents #no-player-interface {
        display : none;
<div id="no-player-interface">
    Nothing wrong, but your browser seems a little old.


The <audio id="audiotag_id"> has its <track kind="chapters"> decoded and displayed.

Note : This class will be set even if the chapters list is set to be hidden.


The <audio id="audiotag_id"> is actually playing the cue_id chapter. The cue_id is the cue (chapter) name described in the .VTT file in its <track kind="chapters"> .

This function was meant to build effects as in BBC Computer Literacy archive : During a play of a show, each chapter was highlighting its text resumee.

Setting global application parameters via a tag

Some global parameters for CPU-Audio may be set via a tag, avoiding to write javascript code for the same result. Those prameters must be set in a JSON form (non-nested object), into a <script type="application/json" data-cpu-audio> tag set statically in the <head> of the document. Beware to set this tag before then <script> calling (or including) cpu-audio.js . Here is an example, modifying the playing stoping others players behaviour :

	<script type="application/json" data-cpu-audio>
		{ "playStopOthers" : false }
	<script src="cpu-audio.js" async></script>

Here are those parameters, usage and default values :

name (case sensitive) default value usage
playStopOthers true When a <cpu-audio> starts to play, any other instances in the same page are paused.
scrollTo false On any link to a time-stamp in the page, will scroll the viewport to display the playing interface.
autoplay false Will try to play at the start of the page if a temporal url is given or the audio was previously exited. This may be prevented by your browser.
IDPrefix "CPU-Audio-tag-" Prefix for auto-attributed ID to <audio> element without id= attribute.
globalCss true Insert in the <head> of the host document a specific <style> with all needed css variables for the player.
advanceInPlaylist true When an audio is ended in a playlist, starts immediatly the next one.
keymove 5 Number of seconds skipped in the timeline when or keys are pressed in an interface
alternateDelay 1000 Delay for a long press on time-line (in milliseconds) to switch to the handheld alternate browsing interface. Not recommended to modify.
fastFactor 4 Amplification ratio between ▸︎▸︎ and ▸︎▸︎▸︎ in handheld alternate browsing interface
repeatDelay 400 First repetition delay when clicking a button in handheld alternate browsing interface
repeatFactor 100 Next repetitions delay when clicking a button in handheld alternate browsing interface

Those parameters may also be changed via javascript, see the page, document.CPU chapter

Using javascript API

cpu-audio.js can be used only with HTML attributes and CSS variables, but javascript savvy developers have API features to get a more precise control or even extend functionnalities.